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May 6, 2009

A word from the Flannel Panel

Thank goodness the city of Edmonton is finally entering into the summer season.
The summer weather is brilliant, but the major reason one should rejoice for the
change in climate is the hope that there will be a significant decrease in sins
committed by both genders when wearing flannel.
Yes flannel patterns are in style; but not ALL flannel patterns! Here is a rule of
thumb for the clueless. If the flannel jacket or shirt you recently purchased
would be seen regularly on a construction site, then its best to avoid busting
this new purchase out on a Friday night. Also, try wearing flannel in moderation.
If wearing flannel becomes too frequent, one may unfortunately be pegged
as a decently dressed person who is possibly on step away from being
mistaken as a farmer visiting the weekly market.
Flannel looks best when it’s small and checkered instead of big and blotchy.
Bright, fun colours also look great for men women and are highly
recommended for the summer season.

Edmonton Music Junkie

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Isaac Mizrahi

Isaac Mizrahi

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